Тест на артикли a/an, the и нулевой

В этом уроке вы пройдете тест на артикли английского языка a/an, the и нулевой. В тесте 22 вопроса на употребление определенного, неопределенного и нулевого артиклей в английском языке.

Больше практики:

В каждом вопросе только 1 правильный ответ и за каждый правильный ответ вы получите 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов за этот тест — 22.

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I had ____ toast and ____ orange for breakfast.


2. Anna has a dog.  ____ dog is very friendly.


3. I cleaned ____ house yesterday.


4. This is ____ very beautiful painting.


5. Can you turn on ____ light, please?


6. Is there ____ hotel near your house?


7. Claire has gone to ____ post office.


8. _____ apartment where we stayed was very nice.


9. My brother goes to ____ gym three times ____ week.


10. Do you have ____ TV in your room?


11. Their office is on ____ seventh floor.


12. Paris is ____ capital of ____ France.


13. What is ____ highest mountain in the world?


14. _____ sky is blue and ____ sun is shining brightly.


15. Is this ____ same book you were reading last week?


16. There are billions of planets in ____ space.


17. We usually have ____ dinner at 7 pm.


18. Open your books at ____ page 29.


19. Lily broke her leg yesterday. She’s in ____ hospital now.


20. My mother works from ____ home.


21. _____ beauty can change ____ world.


22. I like ____ Italian food.



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